South Korea is located in East Asia, on the southern half of the Korean Peninsula jutting out from the far east of the Asian land mass.
The only country with a land border to South Korea is North Korea, lying to the north with 238 km of border running along the Demilitarize zone. South Korea is mostly surrounded by water and has 2,413 km of coast line along three seas. To the west, is the Yellow Sea, to the south is the Korea Strait (East China Sea), and to the east is Ulleung-do and Dokdo (Liancourt Rocks) in the East Sea (Sea of Japan). Geographically, South Korea's land mass is approximately 100,032 square kilometres 290 square kilometres of South Korea are occupied by water. The approximate coordinates are 37° North, 127° 30 East.
Land area: 37,911 sq mi (98,189 sq km)
Political System
The Republic of Korea [대한민국] government was established on August 15, 1948. The President is the head of state and represents the state in international affairs. In case of the President’s absence, the Prime Minister will temporarily act as acting President. The Prime Minister is the principal executive assistant to the President.
President: Lee Myung-bak (2008)
Prime Minister: Han Seung Soo (2008) –Nowaday Korea has a new prime Minister
Population: (2009 est.): 48,508,972 (growth rate: 0.2%); birth rate: 8.9/1000; infant mortality rate: 4.2/1000; life expectancy: 78.7; density per sq km: 501
Capital and largest city (2003 est.): Seoul, 10,287,847 (city proper)
Other large cities: Pusan, 3,504,900; Inchon, 2,479,600
Monetary unit: Won
Main articles: Korean Language and Hangul
Religion: Shamanism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam
Korea History
1. Pre-historic Period (about 700.000 years ago)
2. Gojoseon(2333-108 BC)
-Dangun and the Founding Myth of Korea
3. The three kingdom of Silla [신라], Gogureyo [고구려] and Baekje [백제] and Gaya (57 BC-668 AD)
4. Unified Silla and Balhae (668-935)
5. Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392)
6. Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910)
7. Japanese occupation(1910-1945)
-Independent movement
-First GOLD
8.Establishment of the Korean Government (1945-1948)
9. Korean war (1950-1953)
10. The Aftermath of War (1954-Current)
Gojoseon [고조선](2333-108 BC)
People began living on the Korean Peninsula and its surrounding areas from some 700.000 years ago.
The Neolithic age began some 8.000 years ago. Relics from that period can be found in areas throughout the Korean Peninsula, mostly in coastal areas and in areas near big rivers.
The Bronze age began around 1,500 to 2,000 B.C. in present-day Mongolia and on the peninsula
Dangun [단군] and the Founding Myth of Korea
A long time ago when Hwanung
son of heaven, ruled the people ,
There lived a tiger and a bear. They
wished wholeheartedly to Become
human and prayed every day to
Hwanung to grant their wish. Upon
Hearing their fervent prayer,
Hwanung called them and gave them 20 cloves of garlic and a bunch of mugwort and told them that if they could stay out of the sun for 100 days living on that food, he would grant them their wish.
Dangun and the Founding Myth of Korea
The tiger gave up shortly after and left the cave. But the bear remained true and after 21 days, Hwanung transformed the bear into a beautiful woman. The bear into a beautiful woman. The bear-woman, Ungnyeo, was very grateful and made offerings to Hwanung, but she became lonely, Once again, she prayed to Hwanung, beneath a sandalwood tree to be blessed with a child. Hwanung, moved by her prayers, took her as his wife and soon she gave birth to a son. They named him Dangun Wanggeom [단군왕검], who later established Gojoseon [고조선] (Ancient Joseon) in 2333 BC, which was the first kingdom on the Korean Peninsula
Three Kingdoms of Silla [신라], Gogureyo [고구려] and Baekje [백제] and Gaya (57 BC-668 AD
The three kingdom of Silla [신라], Gogureyo [고구려] and Baekje [백제] had similar ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. All three kingdoms were heavily influenced by China, and Buddhism was introduced to Goguryo in 372.
Baekje [백제]
The next kingdom is Baekje (백제). Although Baekje (백제) is tiny when compared to Goguryo (고구려), at its height it controlled parts of North Korea and the south western part of present day South Korea. Unlike Goguryo (고구려), the Baekje (백제) were more culturally advanced. They had knowledge of processing iron into weapons and created beautiful works of art and architecture. In fact the crowns of Baekje (백제) kings and queens are made of the finest craftsmanship for that period of time. The Baekje (백제) had trade relations with Japan. Japan’s Buddhist origins can be traced to its relations with the Baekje (백제).
Silla [신라],
Last but not least is Silla (신라). Silla (신라) occupied the southeastern part of present day South Korea. Silla (신라) had extensive relations with China’s Tang (탕) dynasty. Together with China, it was able to push into Goguryo (고구려) and Bekje (백제) territory. Silla was also a advanced society. There are burial remains of fine silk, porcelain, and gold jewelry. The picture on the left is a Silla (신라) crown. The upper crust of Silla society was divided into two lineages. The king and the royal family belonged to the sacred bone lineage (성골), while the nobles were designated into the true bone (진골) lineage. Like all great societies, the Silla (신라) civilization declined because of a conflict within these two lineages, but it left behind some great works of art that we can still see and enjoy today.
Unified Silla and Balhae (668-935) [통일 신라] [발해]
The Unified Silla kingdom period marked the start of Korea`s cultural development.
Buddhism expanded and furled the construction of numerous temples and art works.
Warlords begun amassing power bases to the north and eventually took over Unified Silla and founded a new kingdom-Goryeo.
Balhae[발해] (698 – 926)
Balhae [발해] was an ancient Korean kingdom established after the fall of Goguryeo. After Goguryeo's capital and southern territories fell to Silla, Dae Jo-young, a former Goguryeo general, whose father was Dae Jung-sang, established Jin, later called Balhae. It was a successor state to Goguryeo.
Balhae occupied southern parts of Manchuria and Primorsky Krai, and the northern part of the Korean peninsula. It was defeated by the Khitans in 926, and most of its northern territories were absorbed into the Liao Dynasty while the southern parts were absorbed into Goryeo.
5.Goryeo[고려] Dynasty
The Goryeo Dynasty [고려] was established in 918 by Wang Geon.
Buddhism became the state religion.
Famous items produced included
Goryeo celadon and the Tripitaka
Jikjisimgyeong, Buddhist scripture
printed with the world’s first
movable metal type was developed.
Joseon[조선] Dynasty (1392-1910)
In 1932, General Yi Seong-gye
established a new dynasty called
Joseon [조선].
Confucianism became the state
ideology and exerted a massive
influence over the whole of society.
The examinations served as the
backbone for social mobility and
intellectual activity
During the reign of King Sejong the
Great [세종대왕] (1418-1450), Korea enjoyed an unprecedented flowering of culture and art. The Korean alphabet Hangeul [한글] was created.
Sundials, water clocks, celestial
globes and astronomical maps were
In 1592, Admiral Yi Sun-sin [이순신] led a series of brilliant naval maneuvers
against the Japanese, deploying the
Geobukseon [거북선] (turtle ships).
In 1876, the Joseon Dynasty was forced to adopt an open-door policy regarding Japan.
The Japanese annexation of Korea concluded in 1910, and Korean people had to suffer under Japanese colonial rule until the surrender of Japan in 1945, which ended World War II.
Independent movement
After the Emperor Gojong [고종] died in January 1919, with a rumor of poisoning, independence rallies against Japanese invaders took place nationwide on 1 March 1919 (The March 1st Independent Movement).
This movement was suppressed by force and about 7,000 were killed by Japanese soldiers and police.
An estimated 2 million people took part in peaceful, pro-liberation rallies.
8.Establishment of the Republic of Korea [대한민국](1945-1948)
Korea was liberated from Japanese oppression on August 15, 1945, but it soon faced the tragic division of North and South along the 38th parallel.
In 1948 with the help of the United Nations, South Korea held an election on May 10th and elected Dr. Rhee Syngman president.
9.KOREAN WAR 1950-1953
In June 25th, 1950, North Korea attempted a forcible unification of North and South Korea by invading South Korea over the 38th parallel.
In response, military help from over 16 nations helped defend South Korea
China and the Soviet Union lent their military might to North Korea.
The war continued over the next 3 years until coming to an end on July 27th 1953, with a peace agreement signed at Panmunjeom.
10.The Aftermath of War (1954-Current)
On may, 16, 1961, General Park,Chung Hee organized a military coup and toppled the civilian government.
He then established martial law and later had himself elected president.
President Park instigated many economic and social changes which helped elevate Korea into and industrializing nation.
Major Infrastructure enhancements, including the Seoul-Pusan expressway and the Seoul subway system, began under his regime.
The Korean CIA chief assassinated President Park on October 26.1979
After president Park’s death, General Chun, Doo Whan staged a military coup and seized power on May 17, 1980.
Violent student demonstration in 1987 forced President Chun to implement more social reforms and hold presidential elections in 1988.
General Noh, Tae-woo, Chun’s chosen political successor, won the presidential election.
During his term, President Noh’s government established diplomatic relations with many non-capitalist countries including the People’s Republic of China and the Soviet Union, both long-term allies of communist North-Korea.
The successful hosting of the 1988 Olympic Games brought Korea to the center stage of world recognition.
Kim Dae-Jung Former President of Korea and Nobel Peace Prize Winner
He elected in 1998
The successful hosting of the 2002 FIFI World Cup Games brought Korea to the center stage of world recognition.
First Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Sources of information:
Website: www.visitkorea.or.kr
Book: Travel guide Korea 2009