04 October 2010

A New, Better Way to Make Korean Rice Cake, Click for detail

I’d say the most appealing thing about Korean rice cake (“tteok”) is its texture, its soft chewiness. And thus, one of the most baffling things about tteok is that it loses its signature chewiness so fast. You buy some nice chunks of rice cake in the evening on your way home from work, and the next morning you find them gone all hard and dry. And here is some good news for you: A new technique has been developed that can make rice cake that preserves its chewiness for a long, long time. Learn more about this happy news!

Korea’s Online Procurement System Going Abroad!

The Public Procurement Service (PPS) is one of Korea’s central administrative bodies that provides public institutions with materials, facilities and services that they need. With the rapid spread of the Internet and ever advancing Information Technology, Korea’s procurement system, also, is going online. And a growing number of developing countries where issues of budget waste, lack of transparency and corruption are considerable are trying to import and benchmark Korea’s online e-procurement system. Learn more about it!