09 July 2010

What does a good Leader “Do?”

“Leader is a person who rules, guides or inspires others for common goals”.
According to my perception leader perform following task.

 Supporting and encouraging peoples towards a collective goal and Patient and motivational.
 Build trust and confidence and have a clear sense of purpose.
 Give vision of what he wants his environment to become.
 Present high ethical values, communicate well and listen well.
 Develop a good judgment and do not pretend himself as a hero.
 Work Continuously and update himself
 He work Hard and have a motto to serve people, brave thinking and strong mind.

I observed from the read lessonsthat there are two situations for leader indecision making. First one is open end (have time and options) and second is close end (no time and options i.e. YES or NO). Second situation is more critical as compare to first. Rational leaders performdifferent in both situations. According to my perception in open end situation leader should follow the Jerome Murphy concept for decision making and in close end situation follow the Lee Iacocca concept.
In my home country I am working in Privatization Commission, I am sharingexperience which I learn from my home department, there is two situations as under.
First Situation: Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh(PhD in Economics from Boston) has over 20 year experience in policymaking and management including worked with World Bank. In 2004 Dr. Abdul Hafeez was performing duty as Minister for Privatization, Pakistani government want to privatize the PTCL (Pakistan Tele Communication Limited),who have monopoly in the market, but in the same year government made mistake by issuingtwo licenses for new mobile companies without consultation with the Privatization Commission.Minister in chargeconstituted a team for research and placed orderfor privatizationof PTCL at fast trackand due toentry of new mobile companies in the market, the competition will be there and investor will not pay good price.
Second Situation: In bidding process the bidders put the bid price, the highest price did not match the reference price but the Minister accepted the bid without consulting the cabinet members. All the intellectuals of different thoughts criticized the fast and quick decision of Minister. But after few months, new mobile companies captured the market share of about 50% and PTCL customers moved towards mobile phones. PTCL revenue started decline. People,who werecriticizing the decision, now appreciated the decision.

Conclusion: In the first option Dr. Abdul Hafeez adopts the Jerome Murphy method and in second situationadopts the Lee Iacocca concept.

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