"Shared Growth Beyond Crisis"
To view an introductory video clip on the G20 Seoul Summit :
31 October 2010
G20 Cultural Events and Global Gatherings - click here for details

During the two-day summit period, a variety of cultural events will be held for diplomatic delegations and representatives from international organizations as well as for global tourists, including: Jongmyojereak (a royal ancestral rite, a UNESCO-listed intangible cultural heritage) performed by the National Center for the Korean Traditional Performing Arts ; the special exhibition “Masterpieces of Goryeo Buddhist Painting” at the National Museum of Korea ; lectures on world literature, art exhibitions and film screenings organized by the National Library of Korea.
G20 Gyeongju Meeting Held on Oct. 21-23- click here for detail

The G20 Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors was held on October 21-23 in Gyeongju, South Korea. The gathering was designed to review and coordinate key agendas for the upcoming G20 Seoul Summit. At the summit, currency issues sparked strong interest. Korea, as chair, played an active role in mediating conflicts among member nations. Meeting attendees agreed to implement market-determined exchange rate policies and refrain from competitive devaluation of currencies to tackle trade imbalances.
Official Events and Schedule of the Seoul Summit- click here for detail
The Schedule of the G20 Seoul Summit

Unlike other international summits such as APEC and ASEM which include social mingling among participants and other ceremonial functions, G20 summits are thoroughly business-oriented. For example, the following was President Lee Myung-bak’s schedule for the London Summit held on April 2 and 3 of 2008.
Day 1 (April 2)
09:30 (Korea time): Departing from Korea
14:30 (London time, onwards): Arriving in London
15:30~16:00: Check-in
- Summit with the then UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown
- Reception hosted by the Queen at Buckingham Palace
(*Invitees composed only of heads of state and ministerial-level entourage)
- Working Dinner
23:00: Retiring
Day 2 (April 3)
- Working Breakfast
- Morning Summit
- Working Luncheon
- Finalizing communiqué (official report)
- Dialogue/dinner with Korean expatriates in the UK
Day 3 (April 4)
- Breakfast with UK-based Korean business men
- Summit with President Hu Jintao of China and Prime Minister Aso of Japan
- Luncheon with UK finance leaders
- Heading for the airport to return to Korea
How Do G20 Summits Proceed?
28 October 2010
New Agenda for G20- click here for Detail
In addition to delivering on previous G20 commitments, Korea as the G20 president for 2010, will also bring new perspectives and new issues to the G20, with a view to addressing the needs of the emerging and developing world as part of the effort to support sustainable growth globally.
* Global Financial Safety Net System
Korea is advocating strengthening global financial safety nets to assist countries to deal with capital volatility. Without reliable financial safety nets, many emerging and developing countries have had to rely on self-insurance, giving them greater impetus to accumulate large foreign reserves.
* Development Issues
Korea is also interested in fostering renewed discussions on development issues. The G20 leaders collectively recognized that narrowing the development gap and reducing poverty are integral to the broader objectives to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth, as well as to ensure a more robust and resilient global economy. Korea will act as a bridge between the advanced, emerging and developing worlds by fully engaging all relevant stakeholders, with a focus on the development needs of low income countries.
* Global Financial Safety Net System
Korea is advocating strengthening global financial safety nets to assist countries to deal with capital volatility. Without reliable financial safety nets, many emerging and developing countries have had to rely on self-insurance, giving them greater impetus to accumulate large foreign reserves.
* Development Issues
Korea is also interested in fostering renewed discussions on development issues. The G20 leaders collectively recognized that narrowing the development gap and reducing poverty are integral to the broader objectives to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth, as well as to ensure a more robust and resilient global economy. Korea will act as a bridge between the advanced, emerging and developing worlds by fully engaging all relevant stakeholders, with a focus on the development needs of low income countries.
The Agenda of the G20 Seoul Summit Click here for Details
Follow-up Agenda
The G20 Seoul Summit, above all, will focus on following up on previous G20 commitments which include :
* Safeguarding the ongoing recovery and restoring fiscal sustainability
* Ensuring strong, sustainable, and balanced global growth
* Building a stronger international financial regulatory system
* Modernizing international financial institutions
The G20 Seoul Summit, above all, will focus on following up on previous G20 commitments which include :
* Safeguarding the ongoing recovery and restoring fiscal sustainability
* Ensuring strong, sustainable, and balanced global growth
* Building a stronger international financial regulatory system
* Modernizing international financial institutions
Korean cars to carry international leaders for the summ- click here for deatil

When they visit Seoul for next month’s G20 Seoul Summit, the international leaders will ride in Equus limousines manufactured by Hyundai-Kia Motors. The car is equipped with a bullet-proof security system and an automatic break alert system, with emergency lights that turn on automatically if the breaks are activated abruptly. The summit will require a total of 240 official vehicles to transport G20 leaders.
Did you know? Click here for Detail

The seating plan is not revealed until the last minute
The Presidential Committee for the G20 Summit will not unveil the seating plan until right before the event, because countries lobby for the order of protocol and seating. The general protocol follows the order of heads of state, heads of government, and representatives from international organizations. Within each group, the order of inauguration and year of an organization’s foundation will be considered.
25 October 2010
What does the hosting of the G20 Seoul Summit mean to Korea? - click for detail

For a very long time, Korea has never been given a chance to establish international structures or frameworks. It had a challenging time just acquiring a membership to international organizations such as to the UN and the OECD. But with the hosting of the G20 Seoul Summit coming November, Korea has now opened a new diplomatic horizon for itself. Korea can now add its own voice to the global economic order as a rule-setter, not as a mere rule-follower; has moved from the periphery to the center of the global stage.
Congratulatory messages from international leaders - Click for detail

"Korea’s history qualifies it for a leadership role in this changing global economy. Korea is one of the world’s great development success stories successfully advancing from a receiver of development assistance to a provider. Korea is ensuring that the voices of those outside the G20 are heard."
To view the full message of Robert B. Zoellick, World Bank Group President :
"The Korean Presidential Committee for the G20 Summit has brought together a formidable team, uniting the best talent in each policy field. Korea’s own development story and its rapid recovery from the mid-1990s Asian financial crisis are also remarkable, and serve to help and inspire us all."
To view the full message of Angel Gurria, OECD Secretary-General :
"The Government of Korea is exercising strong and effective leadership as the Chair of the G20 at this important stage. A key milestone for much of the financial reform agenda is the Seoul G20 Summit in November. Working in close co-operation, I am confident that the G20 and the FSB will be able in 2010 to put in place the basis for a much stronger and more resilient financial system for the future."
To view the full message of Mario Draghi, FSB (Financial Stability Board) Chief :
24 October 2010
Who are the G20 and their heads of state?- click here for detail

The G20 includes 19 countries and the European Union.
* G7 : US, Japan, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada, Italy
* 4 Asian Countries : Republic of Korea, China, India, Indonesia
* 3 Latin American Countries : Argentina, Brazil, Mexico
* 4 European Countries : Russia, Turkey, Australia, the EU Chair
* South Africa and Saudi Arabia
Who else will participate in the Seoul Summit in addition to the G20? - click for detail
Korea will invite 5 non-member countries and 7 international organizations to the G20 Seoul Summit (scheduled for November 11-12) that have close relationships with the agendas of the summit.
The 5 non-members are Malawi, Vietnam, Spain, Singapore and Ethiopia, and the 7 international organizations include the United Nations, International Labor Organization, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, World Trade Organization, and the Financial Stability Board.
Non-G20 member countries have been invited to previous G20 summits in order to enhance the effectiveness and representativeness of the meeting.
The 5 non-members are Malawi, Vietnam, Spain, Singapore and Ethiopia, and the 7 international organizations include the United Nations, International Labor Organization, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, World Trade Organization, and the Financial Stability Board.
Non-G20 member countries have been invited to previous G20 summits in order to enhance the effectiveness and representativeness of the meeting.
About the G20 (Group of 20) From the G7 to the G20 - click for details

The G20 was formally established at the G7 Finance Ministers’ meeting on 26 September 1999. The emergence of the G20 stemmed from the changing economic reality – a response both to the financial crises of the late 1990s and to a growing recognition that key emerging countries were not adequately included in the core of global economic discussion and governance.
So, the original G7 (composed of the US, Japan, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada and Italy) grew to the G20. At the third G20 summit held in Pittsburgh on September 24-25, 2009, the G20 was designated as the premier forum for international economic cooperation. Today, the G20 represents two thirds of the world’s population and nearly 88% of the world’s economy.
17 October 2010
The Fascinating World of Hangul Calligraphy (click here for detail)
There is a growing interest for hangul (the Korean alphabet) not only as a set of highly scientific and pragmatic alphabets but also as an artistic theme. Hangul is now being re-discovered as calligraphy (the art of fancy lettering) and as a fashion component. Get introduced to the fascinating world of hangul calligraphy which is now used everywhere, far and wide, from movie posters, book jackets, record covers, to product advertisements!
Benefits of Red Ginseng (click here for detail)
In these crisp, pleasant autumn days, are you one of those people who feel always tired and somewhat lethargic, dozing in the bus and missing your stop? If you are, then I’d like to introduce you to a certain health food: Red ginseng. According to an experiment conducted in Milan, Italy, the group who was given ginseng showed a significant decline in the frequency of colds and flus. Other benefits of red ginseng besides boosting up your immune system include reducing fatigue, fat, cholesterol, improving blood circulation, and enhancing your stamina in general. Learn more about this wonder food!
11 October 2010
Highlights of 12th Gimje Horizon festival-2010
Welcome to Gimje which is the only place where heaven and earth meet! As the world advances in civilization, the agriculture takes the role of the main stream of the attractive force for the advancement of world culture. The agriculture and rice farming has been the base of culture and life from time immemorial. The Mecca of Korean agriculture, Gimje holds the 11th Gimje Horizon Festival, which has been recognized as the best cultural and tourism festival of Korea for five consecutive years."The future hub city of Korea" Gimje City of Saemangum! The main setting of "Arirang", a roman-fleuve! Great golden fields and the colorful cosmos road stretched out to120km! The land where you can feel the breath of living agriculture!
students of KDI school visited this festival and enjoy very much. Thanks to KDI and IFC who arrange this tour.
We enjoy there and participants with amazing memories such as rice harvesting experience by foreigners, making rice food contest by foreigners, Oxcart riding on the golden fields, Experiencing straw handicraft, catching locust in the field, flying kite over the horizon, performance of a living puppet, World farming culture festival, making celadon, Tour of Geumsansa, Tour of Saemangum and Tour of Simpohang etc..
12th Gimje Horizon festival-2010
07 October 2010
Experience about Korea and WSK………
Start of this year, I was selected for scholarship through KOICA in KDI school or Public Policy & Management, my field of study is Masters in Public Policy. I am working with Government of Pakistan as public official. Korea is new country for me regarding the culture, values, tradition, life style and weather, I was little bit upset but when I came in Korea start life with help of KOICA, KDI and WSK. First week I spent in KOICA office and we visited different places in Seoul and enjoy the first step of life in Korea. KOICA and KDI School is a very efficient, they provide all facilities of life. Students feel free, relax and enjoy the life in real term. KOICA facilitate us just like a mother.
One day I received the e-mail from WSK for registration of 3rd batch. I applied and selected. Members of WSK from a numbers of different countries, that is diversify culture. We lean very much about various nations and cultures. WSK provide us a numerous opportunities to explore the Korea and Korean culture, tradition, norms, values, food and rural life. We enjoy the life and events in real sense and gain experience about the Korea. Some time we participate in cultural events. The best and prominent thing is, team of WSK arrange mostly event out of Seoul (different cities) due to this we also enjoy the life out of Seoul. WSK management staff provides us very good facilities and arrangements. At the end I want to ask special thanks (slam) with best regard to WSK, KOICA and KDI for all efforts that is made for us.
Zeeshan Muhammad
KDI School of Public Policy & Management
Seoul, South Korea
One day I received the e-mail from WSK for registration of 3rd batch. I applied and selected. Members of WSK from a numbers of different countries, that is diversify culture. We lean very much about various nations and cultures. WSK provide us a numerous opportunities to explore the Korea and Korean culture, tradition, norms, values, food and rural life. We enjoy the life and events in real sense and gain experience about the Korea. Some time we participate in cultural events. The best and prominent thing is, team of WSK arrange mostly event out of Seoul (different cities) due to this we also enjoy the life out of Seoul. WSK management staff provides us very good facilities and arrangements. At the end I want to ask special thanks (slam) with best regard to WSK, KOICA and KDI for all efforts that is made for us.
Zeeshan Muhammad
KDI School of Public Policy & Management
Seoul, South Korea
Experience about Korea and WSK
Recruiting the 4th Batch of WSK (Click here for detail)
Recruiting the 4th Batch of WSK
The Council will soon begin recruiting the 4th batch of WSK.
If you have friends who might be interested in joining the program, please introduce them to the following web page which contains information on how to apply.
It will be great to have many of your friends also be part of our program!
2. Evaluation of the 3rd Batch
We have been steadily following your blogs for the past months since you joined our program.
I could see some of you have been putting a lot of commitment and efforts in your blogs; posting interesting articles, photos, videos, our WSK newsletters. I was very much impressed and pleased.
We are going to select 10 best bloggers based upon our evaluations.
As you were informed in the orientation session, both the quality and quantity of your blogging activity as well as off-line participation will be taken into account.
And the winners will receive according prizes. (Grand Prize will be a roundtrip flight ticket to your home country. Other prizes will include digital cameras, MP3 players and others.)
So dear 3rd batch, show us some good last spurt!
Thank you.
1. 4기 모집
국가브랜드위원회가 곧 WSK 4기 멤버 모집을 시작할 예정입니다.
신청접수 방법은 다음의 웹사이트에서 확인할 수 있으니, 관심 있는 친구들에게 많은 소개 부탁드립니다.
2. 3기 블로그 평가
지난 몇 달간 3기 학생 여러분의 블로그를 정기적으로 방문하여 지켜보았습니다.
일부 학생들은 흥미로운 글, 사진, 비디오, WSK 뉴스레터 등을 꾸준히 포스팅하는 등 성실하고 훌륭한 블로그 활동을 해주고 있습니다.
10월 동안 최종적 평가를 하여 총 10명의 우수 블로거를 선정할 계획입니다. 오리엔테이션 세션때 설명드렸듯 평가에 있어서는 블로그 포스팅의 질과 양, 그리고 오프라인 활동에의 참여도 등을 고려할 것입니다.
대상을 수상하게 되는 학생은 모국으로의 왕복항공권을 수여받게 될 것이고, 다른 상품들은 디지털카메라, MP3플레이어 등이 있을 것입니다.
그러니 3기 학생 여러분들의 블로그 활동에 마지막 박차를 가해 주세요!
The Council will soon begin recruiting the 4th batch of WSK.
If you have friends who might be interested in joining the program, please introduce them to the following web page which contains information on how to apply.
It will be great to have many of your friends also be part of our program!
2. Evaluation of the 3rd Batch
We have been steadily following your blogs for the past months since you joined our program.
I could see some of you have been putting a lot of commitment and efforts in your blogs; posting interesting articles, photos, videos, our WSK newsletters. I was very much impressed and pleased.
We are going to select 10 best bloggers based upon our evaluations.
As you were informed in the orientation session, both the quality and quantity of your blogging activity as well as off-line participation will be taken into account.
And the winners will receive according prizes. (Grand Prize will be a roundtrip flight ticket to your home country. Other prizes will include digital cameras, MP3 players and others.)
So dear 3rd batch, show us some good last spurt!
Thank you.
1. 4기 모집
국가브랜드위원회가 곧 WSK 4기 멤버 모집을 시작할 예정입니다.
신청접수 방법은 다음의 웹사이트에서 확인할 수 있으니, 관심 있는 친구들에게 많은 소개 부탁드립니다.
2. 3기 블로그 평가
지난 몇 달간 3기 학생 여러분의 블로그를 정기적으로 방문하여 지켜보았습니다.
일부 학생들은 흥미로운 글, 사진, 비디오, WSK 뉴스레터 등을 꾸준히 포스팅하는 등 성실하고 훌륭한 블로그 활동을 해주고 있습니다.
10월 동안 최종적 평가를 하여 총 10명의 우수 블로거를 선정할 계획입니다. 오리엔테이션 세션때 설명드렸듯 평가에 있어서는 블로그 포스팅의 질과 양, 그리고 오프라인 활동에의 참여도 등을 고려할 것입니다.
대상을 수상하게 되는 학생은 모국으로의 왕복항공권을 수여받게 될 것이고, 다른 상품들은 디지털카메라, MP3플레이어 등이 있을 것입니다.
그러니 3기 학생 여러분들의 블로그 활동에 마지막 박차를 가해 주세요!
Recruiting the 4th Batch of WSK
Scholarships and Funding News for International Students (Click here for detail)
Here is the latest newsletter from Pkstudents containing the updated news about funding and scholarship opportunities, which we hope are useful for you and your friends.
IFUW International Fellowships and Grants 2011/2012
The International Federation of University Women (IFUW) offers a limited number of international fellowships and grants to women graduates for postgraduate research, study and training. IFUW's 2011/2012 competition is now open.
Deadline: 1 Oct 2010
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SCHOLARSHIPS under the SAARC Chair, Fellowship and Scholarship Scheme
The University Grants Commission of Bangladesh has offered scholarships for 01 SAARC Chair, 04 SAARC Fellowships and 10 SAARC Scholarships to SAARC Member States under the SAARC Chair, Fellowship and Scholarship Scheme, tenable in Bangladesh.
Deadline: 31 Dec 2010
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Reach Oxford scholarships
Oxford colleges offer Reach Oxford scholarships (formerly Oxford Student Scholarships) to students from developing countries who, for political or financial reasons, or because equivalent educational facilities do not exist, cannot study for a degree in their own countries.
Deadline: 26 Feb 2011
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2010-2011 International Student Ambassador Scholarships
International Student Ambassador Scholarships are awarded to students with exceptional leadership qualities and a desire to positively represent both their home country and Iowa State University to prospective students.
Deadline: April 1 (fall & summer entry)
October 1 (spring entry)
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British Government’s British Chevening Scholarship for Pakistan 2011
The British Government’s British Chevening Scholarship, are the most prestigious awards available to international students for study in the United Kingdom. They enable future leaders, decision-makers and opinion formers from around the world to become familiar with the UK, to gain new skills, or update current professional skills.
Deadline: To be declared in August 2010
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2011 FULBRIGHT Scholar Program
The United States Education Foundation in Pakistan invites applications for the Fulbright Scholar Program. The program seeks to improve mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of Pakistan through academic and cultural exchange.
Deadline: 20 October 2010
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DAAD Humboldt Research Fellowships
Humboldt Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers are the instrument with which the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables highly-qualified scientists and scholars from abroad.
Deadline: Open all year
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DAAD Conflict Studies and Management Programme
The CSMP is a new programme implemented by the ‘Willy Brandt School of Public Policy’ in Erfurt (Brandt School) and the ‘German Academic Exchange Service’ (DAAD).
Deadline: Summer term 2011: Deadline 1 October 2010
Winter term 2011/2012: Deadline 1 April 2011
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AstroMundus programme
AstroMundus is a 2-years Erasmus Mundus Masters Course ( 120 ECTS) in Astronomy and Astrophysics offered by a consortium of 5 partner universities in 4 different countries: Austria, Italy, Germany, and Serbia.
Deadline: 30 November 2010
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Split Phd and Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme in France
The Higher Education Commission and the French Embassy in Pakistan aim to help the development of cooperation between French and Pakistani scientific organisations, engaged in R&D programs of all the scientific and technology fields.
Deadline: 31 December 2010
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Endeavour Postgraduate Awards, Australia 2010-11
The Endeavour Postgraduate Awards / scholarships provide financial support for international students for up to 3.5 years to undertake a postgraduate qualification at a Masters or PhD level either by coursework or research in any field of study in Australia.
Deadline : Second Round = opens on Monday 1 Dec 2010 and closes on on Sunday 31 Jan 2011.
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ADB - Japan Scholarship Program, Australia
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Scholarships, funded by the government of Japan, provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB's developing member countries to pursue postgraduate studies at participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Region.
Deadline: 31 Aug for Semester 1 and 15 Feb for Semester 2
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International Master Eramus Mundus Scholarships in Management of IT (IMMIT)
The Erasmus Mundus programme: International Master in Management of IT (IMMIT), is jointly offered by IAE Aix Graduate School of Management, Université Paul Cezanne Aix-Marseille III (France), Turku University (Finland) and Tilburg University (The Netherlands).
Deadline : 15 Jan 2011
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Fellowships @ The Wilson Center 2011-2012
The Center awards approximately 20-25 residential fellowships annually to individuals with outstanding project proposals in a broad range of the social sciences and humanities on national and/or international issues.
Deadline: 01 Oct 2010
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Mrs JH McKeown Undergraduate Scholarship, University Of Oxford
Trinity College will next be offering the Mrs J H McKeown Scholarship, for an overseas student reading for an undergraduate degree of the University of Oxford, preferably in one of the sciences, in October 2012.
Deadline: Oct 2011
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Master Scholarship in Economics / Public Policy Management in Japan (2011-2013)
Program in Economic and Public Policy Management (PEPPM) in Tsukuba University, Japan has just started the recruitment of scholarship candidates for the next cohort starting from April 2011.
Deadline:See details
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Clarendon Scholarships
Clarendon Scholarships can be held at any college of the University. However, around half of all colleges offer awards linked to the Clarendon Fund each year and in these cases scholars are offered a combined Clarendon-College Scholarship tenable only at the college offering the linked award.
Deadline: January 2011
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Leiden University Excellence Scholarship programme (LExS)
These scholarships (Leiden University Excellence Scholarship programme) are open to non-EU/EEA international students enrolling in a Leiden University master's degree programme starting February 2011 ( All MA, MSc and LL.M programmes).
Deadline : 01 Oct 2010
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Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarships
The Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarships ("Scholarships") were established from donations received from the Lee Foundation and are the University's most prestigious scholarship awards for graduate students.
Deadline: 15 November 2010
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Swiss Government Scholarships
A complete dossier requires a tutoring agreement signed by a professor from the University of Bern. To obtain this, candidates are required to present their study programme or research project to a suitable professor at their host university (i.e., the University of Bern), together with their application for the above-mentioned agreement. The professor is free to accept or refuse candidates.
Deadline: See details
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International Master in Management of IT (IMMIT) Scholarships
International Master in Management of IT (IMMIT) is jointly offered by IAE Aix Graduate School of Management, Université Paul Cezanne Aix-Marseille III (France), Turku University (Finland) and Tilburg University (The Netherlands).
Deadline: 15 Jan 2011
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The Global Fund for Women
The Global Fund for Women supports women's groups that advance the human rights of women and girls. We strengthen women's right groups based outside the United States by providing small, flexible, and timely grants ranging from $500 to $30,000 for operating and program expenses. We value local expertise and believe that women themselves know best how to determine their needs and propose solutions for lasting change.
Deadline: See details
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Commonwealth Scholarships for PhD, Split Site PhD and Post Doctoral Fellowships, Tenable in UK in 2011
The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) is one of the oldest and most prestigious schemes of its kind in the world. It was established at the first Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers in 1959. Over 25,000 Commonwealth citizens have held awards - many going on to reach the very highest levels of their profession.
Deadline: 20 Oct 2010
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Split Phd and Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme in France
The Higher Education Commission and the French Embassy in Pakistan aim to help the development of cooperation between French and Pakistani scientific organisations, engaged in R&D programs of all the scientific and technology fields.
Deadline: 31 Dec 2010
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Melbourne Global Scholarships
Dependent upon funding. Usually approximately 30-40 scholarships are awarded to Study Abroad students and approximately 150 are awarded to Exchange students.
Deadline: 6 weeks before departure
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The Aga Khan Foundation Scholarships 2011-2012
The Foundation accepts applications from countries where it has branches, affiliates or other AKDN agencies which can help with processing applications and interviewing applicants. At present, these are Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Syria, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique, Madagascar, France, Portugal, UK, USA and Canada.
Deadline: Starting January 2011
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INTO University of East Anglia Foundation Science Scholarships
The University of East Anglia Faculty of Arts & Humanities and INTO University of East Anglia invites applications for the University of East Anglia, Faculty of Arts & Humanities Foundation Scholarships valued at £ 10,500 over 2 years.
Deadline: 19 Nov 2010
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Commonwealth Scholarships for PhD, Split Site PhD and Post Doctoral Fellowships, Tenable in UK in 2011
The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) is one of the oldest and most prestigious schemes of its kind in the world. It was established at the first Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers in 1959. Over 25,000 Commonwealth citizens have held awards - many going on to reach the very highest levels of their profession.
Deadline: 20 October 2010
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Postdoctoral fellowship from Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research & Technology (SMART)
We are recruiting postdocs for projects within the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research & Technology (SMART), Future Urban Mobility (FM) IRG, to be supervised by NTU and MIT faculty. The Future Urban Mobility (FM) Interdisciplinary Research Group is the fourth and most recent IRG established within the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART). The FM IRG's activities began officially on July 1, 2010.
Deadline: See details
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2011-12 Scholarships for International Students at Colby-Sawyer College, USA
International Students are eligible for need-based and merit-based financial aid, and are encouraged to apply. At Colby-Sawyer we strive to acknowledge the abilities and accomplishments of our students. Through a variety of scholarships and awards, the college recognizes academic achievement, community service and leadership experience.
Deadline: See details
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International Research Support Initiative Program, Higher Education Commission of Pakistan
Higher Education Commission of Pakistan is offering this six month research fellowship abroad to full time PhD students enrolled in Pakistan to enhance their research capabilities. It is of utmost importance that the doctoral studies carried out in Pakistan are of a standard that is at par with any international reputed institution.
Deadline: Open all year
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Endeavour Awards 2011 Round 2
Through the Endeavour Awards, the Australian Government provides opportunities for high achieving international students, researchers and professionals to undertake short or long term study, research and professional development in Australia in a broad range of disciplines.
Deadline: To be announced
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Partial Support for PhD Studies Abroad, Higher Education Commission of Pakistan
HEC has launched a scheme to provide partial financial support to an approximate number of 50 teachers/researchers of public sector universities / degree awarding instillations as well as other Pakistani students who are in the final stages of their (respective) Ph. D. studies abroad.
Deadline: Open all year
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UNU-IAS Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme, 2011
Since October 2000, UNU-IAS offers Postdoctoral Fellowships for recent PhD graduates to provide them the opportunity to put the knowledge and expertise acquired during their doctoral research to practical policy-relevant use. So far, nearly 40 fellows from some 20 countries have passed through the Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme. Of those completing the programme about one third have been women, and developing country participants have outnumbered developed country participants.
The deadline for application for the 2011 Fellowships will be announced in December 2010.
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2011 Mexican Government Scholarship Program for Foreign Students, Mexico
The scholarships are granted for specialization, master’s, Ph.D., and medical specialization courses as well as for postgraduate-level research, postdoctoral stays, postgraduate mobility programs, artistic creation residences, high-level conferences, residences for Mexicanist researchers, residences for media collaborators, and special chairs for visiting professors.
Deadline: 15 Oct 2010
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Fulbright Scholar Program 2011
The United States Education Foundation in Pakistan invites applications for the Fulbright Scholar Program. The program seeks to improve mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of Pakistan through academic and cultural exchange.
Deadline: 20 October 2010
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JCR 2011 International Scholarship,Japan
The Japan College of Rheumatology (JCR) will provide a grant to attend the 55th Annual General Assembly and Scientific Meeting of the Japan College of Rheumatology (JCR2011) and the 20th international Rheumatology Symposium in Tokyo on April 24-27 2011.
Deadline: 15 November 2010
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IFUW International Fellowships and Grants 2011/2012
The International Federation of University Women (IFUW) offers a limited number of international fellowships and grants to women graduates for postgraduate research, study and training. IFUW's 2011/2012 competition is now open.
Deadline: 1 Oct 2010
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SCHOLARSHIPS under the SAARC Chair, Fellowship and Scholarship Scheme
The University Grants Commission of Bangladesh has offered scholarships for 01 SAARC Chair, 04 SAARC Fellowships and 10 SAARC Scholarships to SAARC Member States under the SAARC Chair, Fellowship and Scholarship Scheme, tenable in Bangladesh.
Deadline: 31 Dec 2010
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Reach Oxford scholarships
Oxford colleges offer Reach Oxford scholarships (formerly Oxford Student Scholarships) to students from developing countries who, for political or financial reasons, or because equivalent educational facilities do not exist, cannot study for a degree in their own countries.
Deadline: 26 Feb 2011
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2010-2011 International Student Ambassador Scholarships
International Student Ambassador Scholarships are awarded to students with exceptional leadership qualities and a desire to positively represent both their home country and Iowa State University to prospective students.
Deadline: April 1 (fall & summer entry)
October 1 (spring entry)
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British Government’s British Chevening Scholarship for Pakistan 2011
The British Government’s British Chevening Scholarship, are the most prestigious awards available to international students for study in the United Kingdom. They enable future leaders, decision-makers and opinion formers from around the world to become familiar with the UK, to gain new skills, or update current professional skills.
Deadline: To be declared in August 2010
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2011 FULBRIGHT Scholar Program
The United States Education Foundation in Pakistan invites applications for the Fulbright Scholar Program. The program seeks to improve mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of Pakistan through academic and cultural exchange.
Deadline: 20 October 2010
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DAAD Humboldt Research Fellowships
Humboldt Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers are the instrument with which the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables highly-qualified scientists and scholars from abroad.
Deadline: Open all year
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DAAD Conflict Studies and Management Programme
The CSMP is a new programme implemented by the ‘Willy Brandt School of Public Policy’ in Erfurt (Brandt School) and the ‘German Academic Exchange Service’ (DAAD).
Deadline: Summer term 2011: Deadline 1 October 2010
Winter term 2011/2012: Deadline 1 April 2011
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AstroMundus programme
AstroMundus is a 2-years Erasmus Mundus Masters Course ( 120 ECTS) in Astronomy and Astrophysics offered by a consortium of 5 partner universities in 4 different countries: Austria, Italy, Germany, and Serbia.
Deadline: 30 November 2010
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Split Phd and Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme in France
The Higher Education Commission and the French Embassy in Pakistan aim to help the development of cooperation between French and Pakistani scientific organisations, engaged in R&D programs of all the scientific and technology fields.
Deadline: 31 December 2010
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Endeavour Postgraduate Awards, Australia 2010-11
The Endeavour Postgraduate Awards / scholarships provide financial support for international students for up to 3.5 years to undertake a postgraduate qualification at a Masters or PhD level either by coursework or research in any field of study in Australia.
Deadline : Second Round = opens on Monday 1 Dec 2010 and closes on on Sunday 31 Jan 2011.
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ADB - Japan Scholarship Program, Australia
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Scholarships, funded by the government of Japan, provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB's developing member countries to pursue postgraduate studies at participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Region.
Deadline: 31 Aug for Semester 1 and 15 Feb for Semester 2
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International Master Eramus Mundus Scholarships in Management of IT (IMMIT)
The Erasmus Mundus programme: International Master in Management of IT (IMMIT), is jointly offered by IAE Aix Graduate School of Management, Université Paul Cezanne Aix-Marseille III (France), Turku University (Finland) and Tilburg University (The Netherlands).
Deadline : 15 Jan 2011
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Fellowships @ The Wilson Center 2011-2012
The Center awards approximately 20-25 residential fellowships annually to individuals with outstanding project proposals in a broad range of the social sciences and humanities on national and/or international issues.
Deadline: 01 Oct 2010
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Mrs JH McKeown Undergraduate Scholarship, University Of Oxford
Trinity College will next be offering the Mrs J H McKeown Scholarship, for an overseas student reading for an undergraduate degree of the University of Oxford, preferably in one of the sciences, in October 2012.
Deadline: Oct 2011
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Master Scholarship in Economics / Public Policy Management in Japan (2011-2013)
Program in Economic and Public Policy Management (PEPPM) in Tsukuba University, Japan has just started the recruitment of scholarship candidates for the next cohort starting from April 2011.
Deadline:See details
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Clarendon Scholarships
Clarendon Scholarships can be held at any college of the University. However, around half of all colleges offer awards linked to the Clarendon Fund each year and in these cases scholars are offered a combined Clarendon-College Scholarship tenable only at the college offering the linked award.
Deadline: January 2011
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Leiden University Excellence Scholarship programme (LExS)
These scholarships (Leiden University Excellence Scholarship programme) are open to non-EU/EEA international students enrolling in a Leiden University master's degree programme starting February 2011 ( All MA, MSc and LL.M programmes).
Deadline : 01 Oct 2010
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Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarships
The Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarships ("Scholarships") were established from donations received from the Lee Foundation and are the University's most prestigious scholarship awards for graduate students.
Deadline: 15 November 2010
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Swiss Government Scholarships
A complete dossier requires a tutoring agreement signed by a professor from the University of Bern. To obtain this, candidates are required to present their study programme or research project to a suitable professor at their host university (i.e., the University of Bern), together with their application for the above-mentioned agreement. The professor is free to accept or refuse candidates.
Deadline: See details
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International Master in Management of IT (IMMIT) Scholarships
International Master in Management of IT (IMMIT) is jointly offered by IAE Aix Graduate School of Management, Université Paul Cezanne Aix-Marseille III (France), Turku University (Finland) and Tilburg University (The Netherlands).
Deadline: 15 Jan 2011
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The Global Fund for Women
The Global Fund for Women supports women's groups that advance the human rights of women and girls. We strengthen women's right groups based outside the United States by providing small, flexible, and timely grants ranging from $500 to $30,000 for operating and program expenses. We value local expertise and believe that women themselves know best how to determine their needs and propose solutions for lasting change.
Deadline: See details
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Commonwealth Scholarships for PhD, Split Site PhD and Post Doctoral Fellowships, Tenable in UK in 2011
The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) is one of the oldest and most prestigious schemes of its kind in the world. It was established at the first Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers in 1959. Over 25,000 Commonwealth citizens have held awards - many going on to reach the very highest levels of their profession.
Deadline: 20 Oct 2010
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Split Phd and Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme in France
The Higher Education Commission and the French Embassy in Pakistan aim to help the development of cooperation between French and Pakistani scientific organisations, engaged in R&D programs of all the scientific and technology fields.
Deadline: 31 Dec 2010
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Melbourne Global Scholarships
Dependent upon funding. Usually approximately 30-40 scholarships are awarded to Study Abroad students and approximately 150 are awarded to Exchange students.
Deadline: 6 weeks before departure
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The Aga Khan Foundation Scholarships 2011-2012
The Foundation accepts applications from countries where it has branches, affiliates or other AKDN agencies which can help with processing applications and interviewing applicants. At present, these are Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Syria, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique, Madagascar, France, Portugal, UK, USA and Canada.
Deadline: Starting January 2011
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INTO University of East Anglia Foundation Science Scholarships
The University of East Anglia Faculty of Arts & Humanities and INTO University of East Anglia invites applications for the University of East Anglia, Faculty of Arts & Humanities Foundation Scholarships valued at £ 10,500 over 2 years.
Deadline: 19 Nov 2010
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Commonwealth Scholarships for PhD, Split Site PhD and Post Doctoral Fellowships, Tenable in UK in 2011
The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) is one of the oldest and most prestigious schemes of its kind in the world. It was established at the first Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers in 1959. Over 25,000 Commonwealth citizens have held awards - many going on to reach the very highest levels of their profession.
Deadline: 20 October 2010
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Postdoctoral fellowship from Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research & Technology (SMART)
We are recruiting postdocs for projects within the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research & Technology (SMART), Future Urban Mobility (FM) IRG, to be supervised by NTU and MIT faculty. The Future Urban Mobility (FM) Interdisciplinary Research Group is the fourth and most recent IRG established within the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART). The FM IRG's activities began officially on July 1, 2010.
Deadline: See details
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2011-12 Scholarships for International Students at Colby-Sawyer College, USA
International Students are eligible for need-based and merit-based financial aid, and are encouraged to apply. At Colby-Sawyer we strive to acknowledge the abilities and accomplishments of our students. Through a variety of scholarships and awards, the college recognizes academic achievement, community service and leadership experience.
Deadline: See details
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International Research Support Initiative Program, Higher Education Commission of Pakistan
Higher Education Commission of Pakistan is offering this six month research fellowship abroad to full time PhD students enrolled in Pakistan to enhance their research capabilities. It is of utmost importance that the doctoral studies carried out in Pakistan are of a standard that is at par with any international reputed institution.
Deadline: Open all year
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Endeavour Awards 2011 Round 2
Through the Endeavour Awards, the Australian Government provides opportunities for high achieving international students, researchers and professionals to undertake short or long term study, research and professional development in Australia in a broad range of disciplines.
Deadline: To be announced
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Partial Support for PhD Studies Abroad, Higher Education Commission of Pakistan
HEC has launched a scheme to provide partial financial support to an approximate number of 50 teachers/researchers of public sector universities / degree awarding instillations as well as other Pakistani students who are in the final stages of their (respective) Ph. D. studies abroad.
Deadline: Open all year
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UNU-IAS Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme, 2011
Since October 2000, UNU-IAS offers Postdoctoral Fellowships for recent PhD graduates to provide them the opportunity to put the knowledge and expertise acquired during their doctoral research to practical policy-relevant use. So far, nearly 40 fellows from some 20 countries have passed through the Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme. Of those completing the programme about one third have been women, and developing country participants have outnumbered developed country participants.
The deadline for application for the 2011 Fellowships will be announced in December 2010.
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2011 Mexican Government Scholarship Program for Foreign Students, Mexico
The scholarships are granted for specialization, master’s, Ph.D., and medical specialization courses as well as for postgraduate-level research, postdoctoral stays, postgraduate mobility programs, artistic creation residences, high-level conferences, residences for Mexicanist researchers, residences for media collaborators, and special chairs for visiting professors.
Deadline: 15 Oct 2010
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Fulbright Scholar Program 2011
The United States Education Foundation in Pakistan invites applications for the Fulbright Scholar Program. The program seeks to improve mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of Pakistan through academic and cultural exchange.
Deadline: 20 October 2010
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JCR 2011 International Scholarship,Japan
The Japan College of Rheumatology (JCR) will provide a grant to attend the 55th Annual General Assembly and Scientific Meeting of the Japan College of Rheumatology (JCR2011) and the 20th international Rheumatology Symposium in Tokyo on April 24-27 2011.
Deadline: 15 November 2010
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04 October 2010
A New, Better Way to Make Korean Rice Cake, Click for detail
I’d say the most appealing thing about Korean rice cake (“tteok”) is its texture, its soft chewiness. And thus, one of the most baffling things about tteok is that it loses its signature chewiness so fast. You buy some nice chunks of rice cake in the evening on your way home from work, and the next morning you find them gone all hard and dry. And here is some good news for you: A new technique has been developed that can make rice cake that preserves its chewiness for a long, long time. Learn more about this happy news!
A New,
Better Way to Make Korean Rice Cake
Korea’s Online Procurement System Going Abroad!
The Public Procurement Service (PPS) is one of Korea’s central administrative bodies that provides public institutions with materials, facilities and services that they need. With the rapid spread of the Internet and ever advancing Information Technology, Korea’s procurement system, also, is going online. And a growing number of developing countries where issues of budget waste, lack of transparency and corruption are considerable are trying to import and benchmark Korea’s online e-procurement system. Learn more about it!
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